Full-Text RSS 2.9.5 — from FiveFilters.org

Create full-text feed from feed or webpage URL
Limit: 10

Thank you!

Thanks for downloading and setting up Full-Text RSS from FiveFilters.org. The software runs on most web hosting environments, but to make sure everything works as it should, please follow the steps below.

Quick Start

  1. Check server compatibility to make sure this server meets the requirements
  2. Enter a feed or article URL in the form above and click 'Create Feed' ?
  3. If the generated full-text feed looks okay, copy the URL from your browser's address bar and use it in your news reader or application
  4. That's it! (Although see below if you'd like to customise further.)


In addition to the options above, Full-Text RSS comes with a configuration file which allows you to control how the application works. Find out more.

Features include:

  • Site patterns for better control over extraction (more info)
  • Restrict access to those with an access key and/or to a pre-defined set of URLs
  • Restrict the maximum number of feed items to be processed
  • Prepend or append an HTML fragment to each feed item processed
  • Caching

To change the configuration, edit custom_config.php and make any changes you like.

Customise this page

If everything works fine, feel free to modify this page by following the steps below:

  1. Save a copy of index.php as custom_index.php
  2. Edit custom_index.php

Next time you load this page, it will automatically load custom_index.php instead.


Check our help centre if you need help. You can also email us at help@fivefilters.org.


This is a free software project to enable article extraction from web pages. It can extract content from a standard HTML page and return a 1-item feed or it can transform an existing feed into a full-text feed. It is being developed as part of the Five Filters project to promote independent, non-corporate media.


Rather than copying and pasting URLs into this form, you can add the bookmarklet on this page to your browser. Simply drag the link below to your browser's bookmarks toolbar. Then whenever you'd like a full-text feed, click the bookmarklet.

Drag this:

Note: This uses the default options and does not include your access key (if configured).

Free Software

Note: 'Free' as in 'free speech' (see the free software definition)

If you're the owner of this site and you plan to offer this service to others through your hosted copy, please keep a download link so users can grab a copy of the code if they want it (you can either offer a free download yourself, or link to the purchase option on fivefilters.org to support us).

For full details, please refer to the license.

If you're not the owner of this site (ie. you're not hosting this yourself), you do not have to rely on an external service if you don't want to. You can download your own copy of Full-Text RSS under the AGPL license.

URL Construction

To extract content from a web page or to transform an existing partial feed to full text, pass the URL (encoded) in the querystring to the following URL:

  • /makefulltextfeed.php?url=[url]

All the parameters in the form above can be passed in this way. Examine the URL in the address bar after you click 'Create Feed' to see the values.

Software Components

Full-Text RSS is written in PHP and relies on the following primary components:

Depending on your configuration, these secondary components may also be used:

System Requirements

PHP 5.2 or above is required. A simple shared web hosting account will work fine. The code has been tested on Windows and Linux using the Apache web server. If you're a Windows user, you can try it on your own machine using WampServer. It has also been reported as working under IIS, but we have not tested this ourselves.


Download from fivefilters.org — old versions are available in our code repository.

Your version of Full-Text RSS: 2.9.5
Your version of Site Patterns: Unknown

To see if you have the latest versions, and to update your site patterns, please try our update tool.

If you've purchased this from FiveFilters.org, you'll receive notification when we release a new version or update the site patterns.

AGPL logo

Full-Text RSS is licensed under the AGPL version 3 — which basically means if you use the code to offer the same or similar service for your users, you are also required to share the code with your users so they can examine the code and run it for themselves. (More on why this is important.)

The software components used by the application are licensed as follows...